Traces of vitamin B COMPLEX
Traces of vitamin B COMPLEX
Excellent source of POTASSIUM, FOLATE, vitamins A, C and K
High in Nutrition
There are so many nutrients in asparagus but some are particularly unique to this vegetable:
- · Low in Calories and Carbohydrates
- · Rich source of protein
- · Good source of dietary fiber
- · High in niacin and phosphorus
- · Low in sodium
- · Very few vegetables have the perfect balance of Magnesium to Calcium as asparagus does: ratio 2:1
- · Rich in an amino acid called asparagine which helps eliminate waste material from the body.
Healthy Benefits
There are so many health benefits of asparagus that it should be added to a healthy diet.
- · CAN REDUCE RISK OF HEART DISEASE: Asparagus is rich in folic acid which has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Folic acid (vitamin B9) as well as other B vitamins are essential to a heart healthy diet. Vitamin B9 also plays an important roll in cell maintenance and repair.
- · ALKALINE FOOD: Asparagus is a very high alkaline food which reduces the acidity of the blood in the body and eliminates toxins which cleanse tissue and muscle waste. Dr. Theodore A Baroody’s book Alkalize or Die he says; “The countless names of illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause...too much tissue acid waste in the body”!—Theodore A. Baroody, N.D., D.C., Ph.D.
- · Detoxifies: According to a clinical dietician at UCLA Medical Center, asparagus in the ultimate in detox vegetables.
Contents of one cup of asparagus:
288 milligrams of potassium (reduces belly fat)
3 grams of fiber which cleanses the digestive system
Only 40 calories
Asparagus has no fat or cholesterol and no natural sodium so there is no bloating during PMS The Washington Asparagus Commission reports that it contains glutathione which is called the "master antioxidant" in that it helps regulate other antioxidants such as vitamin A or E and is also key in removing free radicals, detoxifying carcinogens and supporting immune functions
- · Anti-aging porperties: Riding the body of free radicals is vital in slowing the aging process. Asparagus is very high in glutathione which is an amino and a very potent anti-oxidant that protects cells from free radicals which are toxic. In addition, asparagus is rich in vitamin A, folic acid and potassium.
- · Cancer: Asparagus is a rich source of phytochemical. Research done at Rutgers State University shows they are looking at two phytochemicals, protodioscin and rutin which show promise in inhibiting a number of cancer cells (most notable colon cancer and leukemia), lowering cholesterol and providing numerous other health benefits. Other components with potential health effects are flavonoids, saponins, oligosaccharides, carotenoids and amino acids
- · Reduces pain and inflammation: The high amount of folate in asparagus is what helps reduce inflammation.
- · Aphrodisiac: It is of interest to note that protodioscin, a phytochemical which is present in asparagus, has been linked to improvement of sexual performance.
- · Bowel Elimination: According to the Cancer Researchers of UK; dietary fiber contained in asparagus is also important for keeping the bowel working normally and helps protect bowel cells from cancer-causing damage. Recent research has shown that a diet high in fiber is linked with a lower incidence of bowel cancer. It is one of the richest sources of rutin, a bioflavonoid and phytochemicals – a natural substance found in plants, which together with vitamin C, can help to energize and protect the body from infections. Asparagus is also a source of iron, which boosts the immune system and prevents anemia.
- · Kidney Function: Asparagus is a great diuretic vegetable. Additionally, studies have shown that the nutritional benefits of asparagus can help prevent and treat urinary tract infections and kidney stones.
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